Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sunshine Brings Yardwork....

A couple years ago, my mom, in her infinite wisdom, gave me a set of these collapsable bin-thingys. One of her useful objects that she always seems to find. When I got it, I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, cool, but when am I going to use these?" Well, today I set out to clean up the backyard, which has been totally neglected over the long winter. And what do you know? These things are DA BOMB! I bribed the kids with money and/or treats to do the poop patrol, while I followed with a rake. Oh my word... I covered every square foot of that backyard - raking dead grass and months-old doggy patties that were caked into the grass. FOUR HOURS and one garbage can later we were done. My hands are blistered and my weak arms are sore. Now, what to do with the algae that has taken root in the pond???? No idea....

The kids took advantage of the 70-degree temperatures to break out the trampoline... getting it wet with the hose and in general creating a ruckus. Man! Hard to believe that a week ago today we were having our races postponed so they could call in the snowplows to clear the track!!! Hopefully the weather will stick around for awhile...

Gabby and Flick enjoy a bit of the sunshine on the front porch...

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